Some Visionary Magic

For our 2021-2022 school year we have the pleasure of having Tom Townsend as our Visionary-in-Residence! Tom brings a wealth of knowledge that comes with a lifetime of involvement within the world Performing Arts. In his current roll with the Walt Disney Company, Tom provides opportunities for students to refine their performing arts skills alongside other industry professionals in the many performing arts workshops and performance opportunities offered at both Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort.

As part of his role as visionary-in-residence, Tom guided the students through a two day Performing Arts Academy Symposium where our students explored how the experiences and skills that they are developing within our Performing Arts Academy can provide opportunities for them in their future. Furthermore, Tom will be interacting with each of our students throughout the year as they perform in different venues and performances.


Progressive Blues Guitar


PAC Update - 12.08.21