Academy Students Rock

On Thursday, August 4th the city of West Covina held their annual Film It Festival at the West Covina Civic Center. Prior to the beginning of the festival, two student run bands performed for the fully packed house - Irrationality & Los Socios.

Los Socios, is a band that was developed out of connections made within the WCHS Performing Arts Academy. Each of these students took it upon themselves to hone their skills and collaborate together. Everything from the management of the band, to the publicity and of course the music is student run.

Josh Castro, a current WCHS Performing Arts Academy [PAA] student (C/o 2024), reflected on the performance, “Performing at the West Civic Center for the Film Festival was amazing! So many people were there and really liked the music we played.”. He goes on by articulating, “The PAA contributed a lot for this performance to happen such as providing all of us students with a lot of learning experiences. These experiences included bringing in musicians (Teaching Artists) to share their knowledge, skills, and help us on our own performing arts journey. Through these connections, we have been able to grow our network and thus set up opportunities like this - we get to reach out of the academy and into the actual Music Industry.” You can check out more about Los Socios as well as view rehearsals and performances by exploring their Instagram (linked included)!

If you or someone you, or someone you know, are interested in finding out more about the West Covina High School Performing Arts Academy and the opportunities it can provide to high school aged students, feel free to visit our website at or you can email us at

Watch the Full Performance Below!


SEPTEMBER 2022 | Performances This Month


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